A Night at the outdoor movies - part 2

 In my previous post about the Outdoor movie theatre I created, I think "built" being too strong a word, I didn't mention what my guests see when they leave.

I have a fairly long drive way and this started as a way to illuminate the drive as I kept scuffing my alloy wheels on the very low curb at night when I reversed out. However, now it enables me to add a little glamour for the guests as they leave.

Outside, I have a Hue Outdoor Motion Sensor, which I also use for automating blinds to go down on the south side of my house when it gets hot. If this sensor detects motion at a certain time of night then it turns these Hue Calla lights on. There's actually 5 of them which, at the time, was the maximum power rating and length you could do. However, there is now a more powerful 100W power supply that enables you to run many more lights. Indeed, with the lights at 8W, you can run 12 lights with a maximum of 115ft/35m

I actually had the front one of these stolen. Someone actually broke it off its base, which is a spike hammered into the ground, in my case. This is what precipitated me getting off my arse and finally installing the Netatmo Outdoor cameras.
